Wednesday 16 May 2012

MyFitnessPal. Or what should be called MyNewestBestEverPal.

Occasionally, I find something so good that I just have to tell everyone about it. A few years ago, I told everyone in a 5 mile radius about the only television series I've ever enjoyed enough to watch religiously - do you remember FlashForward? Well, I'm not surprised you don't after they discontinued it after leaving the series on a cliffhanger and I realised I had wasted hours of my life. But I digress... What I actually want to write about is my latest obsession and new best friend - MyFitnessPal.

Basically, it's a calorie counter which I have been able to install on my Blackberry. It is also an online website and you can sync the two. As I go about my day, I simply input what I'm eating and it adds up the calories. It has everything you could think of - it even knew the number of calories in my Morrison's venison meat balls. The best thing about it is that it also shows you your calorie intake in reverse. So instead of just showing how many calories you have eaten, it shows you how many calories you have left in your daily allowance.

Yesterday, I was rather happy to discover that I  had just over 200 calories "to spare" from my daily limit and was able to have a bar of chocolate. YAY. Although I eat 3 healthy balanced meals, I always worry about anything naughty but MyFitnessPal is showing me that I can have a little bit of the food I like, in moderation.

I'm sure it's quite easy to become obsessed (and to cheat the system - you're only fooling yourself if you don't write down all your calories!) but in terms of maintaining a healthy weight, this is perfect!

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